Sujay Child Development Centre offers a singular experience, a unique environment and limitless opportunities. It provides vital stepping stone in intellectual and emotional growth for children with special needs. We are committed to achieving and maintaining a standard of excellence in all we do. First and foremost, we consistently strive to make the child and parent experience a model of quality care through advanced occupational therapy treatment and other paediatric therapies, compassionate support and full family participation and communication.
Sujay Child Development Centre offers a singular experience, a unique environment and limitless opportunities. It provides vital stepping stone in intellectual and emotional growth for children with special needs. We are committed to achieving and maintaining a standard of excellence in all we do. First and foremost, we consistently strive to make the child and parent experience a model of quality care through advanced occupational therapy treatment and other paediatric therapies, compassionate support and full family participation and communication.
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you can upload any difficult behaviour video for analysis and email us your details we shall suggest some workable solution.
DIR & Floor Time Therapy - Autism therapy
The DIR (Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship-based) Model is a developmental Model for assessing and treating any child's strengths and weakness. It has become particularly effective at identifying the unique developmental...
Sensory Integration Therapy & Behaviour Management
Sensory processing (sometimes called "sensory integration" or SI) is a term that refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses (eyes, hearing, touch, smell, taste, movement, pressure) and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioural responses...
Handwriting Improvement
We use Neuro-kinesthetic approach for handwriting and hand function. It provides various brain brain-eye-hand exercise to improve hand function, and participation in handwriting. Other approach like handwriting without tears are also used for treatment...
About us
Sujay Child Development Center offers a singular experience, a unique environment and limitless opportunities. It provides vital stepping stone in intellectual...
102, 1st floor, Bhangshree Tower, Opp. Pawar
Industrial Estate and SBI ATM,
Daji Ramchandra Road, Charai, Thane (West)-400601.
022-2544 6100
+91 99307 85101